Madagaskar: THE WEEK – 26/12/2021

Last blog of 2021, wishing you all a happy New Year. We are grateful for God’s grace and guidance this year and we pray that Dries and I will be able to return to Madagascar together. There is so much to be done.

After a very long trip and four flights, I finally arrived on the 27th. It still feels unreal to be in Cape Town, but to be re-united with Dries made me forget all the sadness and problems of the past months. It will be the first time in ten years that we both are in South Africa at the same time. What a privilege!

The next two weeks will be used for doctor, dentist and getting new glasses. Not very exciting, but after three years in Madagascar, very needed.

Dries and I are so thankful for all your encouragement, support and love during the past year. We appreciate you all.

Have a good week.