Ons ondersteun vir Dries en Lynette de Jager wat al vir baie jare in Madagaskar is by die eiland Nosy Be.
Ons ontvang weeklikse opdaterings wat deel vorm van hul nuusflitse en kan gekry word by
https://lynettemadanews.wordpress.com asook vir videos en nuusgebeure.
Kontak en bankbesonderhede
E-posadres: lynettedj@gmail.com
Bank: ABSA, Lynette de Jager, Rekeningnr: 1410142909, Takkode: 632005
Sendingnuus Madagaskar: Lynette se nuusbrief 27 Oktober 2024
Dries and I spent the week working on Gabriel. We managed to get in a full week’s work. We had to get going early in the morning as the heat made work between one and at least half past three impossible. School was closed for the mid-term break an…
Sendingnuus – Madagaskar: Die week 13 Oktober 2024
November is always the hottest month on our island. That uncomfortable heat arrived already well in October this year. There is not much of a breeze where Dries works on the boat and he needs a change of shirt a couple of times a day. I walk around with a little towel to wipe the…
Sendingnuus Madagaskar: Die Week 29 September 2024
Euphrasie and I were off to Russian Bay after an early start on Thursday morning. We were suppose to make the trip on Tuesday, but the wind was strong throughout the night and the sea was subsequently too rough the next day.