Madagaskar: Week van 14 November 2021

THE WEEK – 14/11/2021by lynettemadanews

I am sure that I am getting my idioms mixed up, ‘the wrong end of the stick’, so to speak. But I felt like that donkey which was offered a carrot and then had it taken away. Twice in fact.

PM asked me to go with him to Mauritius, because he has to have an operation to correct a childhood condition. I was touched by his offer of the trip and that I would then be able to help out while he recovers from the procedure. Everything was planned, but at the last minute, our return trip could not be confirmed.

I then thought that I could go to South Africa for a while until Dries will be able to return,

since we had the good news from the Madagascar Embassy that they will once again start issuing transformable visas. I was just about to pay for the ticket when I heard various reports that flights between Madagascar and Mauritius will be suspended as early as 27 November. I cannot take the risk to go and then be stuck in South Africa indefinitely.

We had hoped that Dries would have been able to return via the same route. So, we have to look at other options of which there are only two; via Paris or Réunion Island, both of which will be complicated.

I was pretty down in the dumps about it all, but there are always those Scriptures which people remind you of and are so well known, but meet the need at the right time.

Matthew 11:29

Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

A yoke is made for two animals. Jesus puts Himself on one side of the yoke. As we learn from Him and share the ‘yoke’, He gives us rest even though the going gets tough. The burden is light, because Jesus bears those burdens of life and ministry with us. Everything goes wrong when we try to go at it alone.

Hebrews 13:5

Let your conduct be without covetousness, be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

No explanation required….ouch indeed!

Habakkuk 3:17-19

Though there is not….yet I will rejoice in the Lord…”

Probably the toughest verse to put into practice. It is a daily, conscious decision to not be defeated, angry or bitter. The deliverance will come.

Please continue to pray with us. asook vir videos en nuusgebeure.

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