Sendingnuus Madagaskar: The Week 1 January 2023

The first week of 2024 went by quietly. My new diary for this year was inaugurated by filling the next week with loads of ‘to do lists’. On Friday, we paid a visit to the boat yard to make sure that everything will be ready for Gabriel’s move onto terra firma. Please make a note in your diary for Tuesday 16 January. The tide will be at its highest at about 7:30 local time and therefore the best time for the move. We are still trying to decide how we’ll organise ourselves to go and live on site while we work. It was decided that it would be best to dig a French drain and use that with the onboard toilet. There are no other facilities and I definitely draw the line at going local and finding a suitable spot on the rocks at low tide. There are limits to roughing it….

Dries has to focus on getting the outboard motors to run perfectly. Thomas is here for a visit from England and he’ll take the boat around with Dries on Sunday morning. I have to load the Land Rover with all the supplies and go to the boat yard early on Tuesday morning. So, lots of details to consider.

I decided to try my hand at making videos this year. We want to share this journey of repairing Gabriel with you in a more visual way. I admit that I have no skills in that department. I tried to figure out how to post a vid on the blog, so some of you might have wondered why there was a video which did not work. I hope to overcome! The fact that Jirama cuts the electricity regularly and for sometimes up to twenty-four hours, does not help. One of the local passtimes is to speculate about the particular reason of these cuts. Politiky! Politics, with a roll of the eyes and a click of the tongue is the default explanation and of course covers a multitude of sins.

God bless and have a super week.