Algerië: Sep2021 Ministry Updates

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Dear brothers and sisters 

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ 

Hope you all doing well ,please know that we praying for you and we are so thankful of your prayers and support ,we want to let you know that your love prayers and support  making us moving and doing what the Lord called us to do and we we are so blessed ,thank you for serving Him with us 

So sory the letter is long but I am sure you will enjoy all the testimonies 

Praying for you and bless you in His name 

with love and Hugs from all of us 

Amos &Lynda ‘David Lucas and Augustin)

Please keep the pictures  confidentials

Djebbar Mohand Arab

“If we meet and you forget me ,you have lost nothing,but if you meet Jesus Christ and you forget Him ,you have lost everything !”

  Amos ministry and family Updates Sept2021

Dear brothers and sisters 

Greetings in His name dear prayers warriors; Its with big thankfulness writing these words to tell you how powerful your prayers are and effective, God is good and faithful

Its true it has been hard and very sad summer with all the sad events that we experienced, but we say praise God that He was in control and was during all that happen, yes, it’s true it was dark time, but we praise God for all the peoples that have been saved and for hundreds that heard the gospel 

This summer we celebrated also our 10th wedding anniversary and celebrate also the birthdays of our small kids Lucas that turned 3 years old and Augustine 1 year old, and David that will be soon 7 years old what a blessing they are to us we say thank you Lord for his provision love and faithfulness to us and we thank and bless you in His name for all yours prayers and support 

Please keep praying for the families that are suffering from the fires and all the families that lost loved one

Please pray for the peoples that received the word of God at our humanitarian outreach for the fire’s victims that the Lord touch their hearts 

Pray for a supernatural touch from the lord to all the peoples reached through social media we receive many demands of peoples want to accept Jesus as Lord  

Please pray for our team that God will strength them and give them wisdom and protections 

Please pray for God provisions to the families that lost everything through these fires 

Please pray Algeria government that God will touch the leaders that they my cause no harm and divisions among the Algerian, the situations is very critical 

Finally, we praise God for you being a part of His work among the Muslims and thank bien apart of the ministry

Amos &Lynda (David ,Lucas,Augustin)

Joined some testimonies from the field and photos also of the ministry and our disciples in actions 


Khadija :

I praise God for He is living God ,God of love and peace, I spend 49years of my life believing lies and living in fear of Allah ,to the day one of Christian women shared with me the good news of Jesus Christ ,I believe that God really prepared my heart for the message knowing that all my life cursing the Jews and the Christian and have hearted to the Christian ladies I know ,but truly speaking I always seen them as angels ,God opened my heart to accept Jesus as my savoir and Lord and today IAM so happy to be part of the ladies Christian group learning more about Jesus and praying with them, my life changed and the good news touched my whole family 


It’s trough the face book I learned about Christ ,I wasn’t a vomited Muslim but have faith in God ,it’s really amazing and encouraging to read all the post of the Christian face book pages to the time I got the new testament and see  Jesus film so many time that I really wanted to meet Christian face to face for more details about Jesus and Christianity, AM so blessed meeting the Christian that really showed me Christ love and prayed with me to accept Jesus as Lord ,today I can say IAM the happiest man on earth with the joy and peace Christ planted in my Heart, praise his name

Fatiha stories

I don’t know from where to start my stories but I just want to tell you God is big and he is great ,I have a difficult time with my husband who ruined my life ,,,,from fundamentalism islam, to alcoholism my kids and I was really living in hell, the only joyful and peaceful time I have is when I meet my Christian friend whom who I trust and who were always encouraging me and helping me in all the ways ,they offered me the Jesus film and the film of Magdalena that I did really enjoy and touched my heart but it took me long time to make decisions to be like them and fellow Christ for many reasons ,but God have time and plan for everything ,yes Christ visited me in a dream as an eagle holding my hands when everything falling apart and told me trust me IAM Christ ,my life changed to best since I gave my heart to Him ,IAM so joyful to be a part of the Magdalena sisters praising God ,,, praying and trusting God for my husband to be touched by Christ love 


I just want to thank God being a part of the ladies group ,I really filled sometimes lonely since I become christian ,and wasn’t always easy to get in touch with some sisters to get help and explanation for things ….to the time we joined this virtual women church if I can call it like this it’s really a blessing and encouraging to be at this virtual fellowship ,this zoom meeting make fill more God presence in my life the word of god is really living word and the fellowship make you stronger .


IAM so happy to accept Jesus in my life and see the change that happened on me being child of God ,since I become a Christian many where telling me how did you change…yes I was a bad person ,evil man ,but Christ love transformed my heart IAM so glad to take part of the training with my fellow Christian brothers, learning more about God and his word and specially how to share my Faith and my  testimony with others ,it’s really good to be child of God 


This is my 3rd level training with MC2 it’s really encouraging and enjoy it a lot be able to reach out to others, helping me to be able leading with insurance our home church and have lot knowledge doing fellow up also, we are really blessed and very thankful ,

Samia ;

I just want to share with you ,how God used this fire in our region to share Christ with my husband, who give his heart to the Lord lately ,my husband know that IAM a believer and wasn’t really against it even that he made le lot if restrictions ,not going to church or even join  Christian women group…and sometime make jock about my faith ,my husband believe in allah  but no more  ,to this day where we were encircled by the fire it was really hell, we couldn’t go out or do anything than just waiting for death ,,,he said to me forgive me and hold the kids …I said to him no God will protect us and will save us in Jesus name ,I praise and cried to God ,our God is a living God a loving father, yes the fire stopped meters from our house ,yes he protect us and my husband have no word to say that praise His name ,Jesus my Lord  become my husband lord and savior praise his name ,his plan and time are perfect have faith 

Testimony of a sister cured of COVID:

I want to testify, I was hospitalized and when I left I was not healed, I was even suffering with the oxygen mask which bothered me because my mouth had become very dry, at 4 a.m. I cried and j begged the Lord to give me his oxygen and around 5 a.m. I felt a hand tear my mask off and throw it on the ground, I was praying, my daughter got up hearing me, to see what I, I told her, was it you who came to take off the mask, she told me no, that’s when I understood that it was the hand of the Lord that ‘has delivered and from that moment my lungs have resumed natural breathing, glory to God. I am convinced that the Lord will touch my husband today, amen !! His name is Saïd.


IAM so thankful taking part of the training ,that’s very encouraging and helps me to take faithful steps in my Christian life ,I believe by the power of the holy spirit it’s really urgent to tell others about Christ and this training helped me a lot how to share my Faith and personal testimony with others and also how to be able to help others building their trust and faith in Jesus and how to live faithful Christian life.


We approached some young men’s at a tourist place east of Algeria, and start sharing with them the gospel ,4 said they not interested they Muslims and committed ,the fifth one we name Abdallah was so open and so happy to hear more ,he said I was really happy to meet you ,I learned a lot about Christ ,and we asked him from where he said I fellow a Christian Facebook page, but don’t know how could I become a Christian from where to start and what to do ,,,,we just praised God for him and for the Facebook page that we running that have over fifty thousand followers

We prayed with Abdallah and asked him to pray give his life to Jesus ,we asked him what make him want to fellow Christ, he said I believe He is the way to God and have peace and believe in all I did read about Him, praise God for Abdallah and the virtual work that bring with divine appointment, Abdallah become one of our team disciple in this region. Praise God


I am a Muslim from ,Muslim family ,I have taught about many things but never becoming a Christians ,it have been a while since IAM dauting about my religion as a peaceful one from all what IAM seeing happening in the name of Allah, so I have questioned myself a lot and start searching about  Christian faith since I see Christian tv channel sharing about Jesus and His teaching ,since that I was in touch with GCM servant who visited me and share Christ love with me ,he offered me Jesus film that really I did enjoy and touched my heart and the gospel, and just  prayed to receive Jesus as my Lord and I am happy to start learning more about the bible and the Christian faith, my life is not the same since I give my heart to Jesus I am so peaceful and joyful


This small boy of the 5 years old, just lost his whole family in the fires, and didn’t know yet, he is from the same village that lost 37 families in the fires 

Our team visited the village to offer some help of the first necessities to the families in need, and offered the word of God as e really comfort ,the gospel and the Jesus film ,,,the most precious thing it was the talking sheep with the bible stories ,to Mbarek the orphan boy ,he was so happy and very excited to hear the sheep singing the worship songs ,we pray the message if salvation reach his whole village and God will touch him and touch Everyone in this village with the good news of our Lord Jesus